Selected Videos
Strongly Tail-Optimal Scheduling in the Light-Tailed M/G/1
Recent Progress in Queueing and Scheduling Theory (for a TCS Audience)
What Problems Does the Gittins Index Solve?
BIRS Dynamic Allocation and Matching 2025.
Local Hedging Solves Pandora’s Box Problems with Nonobligatory Inspection
[slides] [paper]
Previous title: Local Hedging Solves Pandora’s Box Problems with Optional Inspection.
Strongly Tail-Optimal Scheduling in the Light-Tailed M/G/1
YinzOR 2024, SPCOM 2024, SNAPP Seminar 2024, UMass Amherst CS Theory Seminar 2024.
[slides] [video] [paper]
A New Design Tool for Bayesian Optimization: the Gittins Index
Cambridge CBL Seminar 2024.
[slides] [paper]
Performance of the Gittins Policy in the G/G/1 and G/G/k, With and Without Setup Times
[slides] [paper]
The Role of Advanced Math in Teaching Performance Modeling
TeaPACS 2023.
[slides] [paper]
Recent Progress in Queueing and Scheduling Theory (for a TCS Audience)
How Robust Is the Gittins Policy for Queue Scheduling
JMM 2023.
Markov-Process Multi-Golf: A Gittins Index Tutorial
UC Berkeley Simons Institute Whiteboard Talk 2022.
A New Toolbox for Scheduling Theory
Stanford GSB OIT Seminar 2023, Harvard Systems-Theory Seminar 2023, Northwestern Kellog Seminar 2022, Amsterdam Applied Probability Seminar 2022, TU/e SOR Seminar 2022, Michigan IOE Seminar 2022, Cornell ORIE Special Seminar 2022, Chicago Booth Workshop in Operations/Management Science 2022, Caltech Frontiers in Computing + Mathematical Sciences Symposium 2022.
[slides] [thesis]
Drifting Towards Progress in Multiserver Scheduling
CORS/INFORMS International 2022.
WINE: A New Queueing Identity for Analyzing Scheduling Policies in Multiserver Systems
Cornell CAM Seminar 2023, CORS/INFORMS International 2022, INFORMS 2021.
Previous title: A New Queueing Identity with Applications to Multiserver Scheduling.
Uniform Bounds for Scheduling with Job Size Estimates
LATA 2023, ITCS 2022.
[slides] [video] [paper]
The Gittins Policy in the M/G/1 Queue
EURO 2022, WiOpt 2021.
[slides] [video] [paper]
How to Schedule Near-Optimally under Real-World Constraints
Michigan CSP Seminar 2021.
[slides] [paper]
Coupling Techniques for Complex Control Problems
Tutorial at SIGMETRICS 2021.
Part 1: sample-path coupling [slides] [video]
Part 2: steady-state coupling [slides] [video]
The Gittins Policy Is Nearly Optimal in the M/G/k under Extremely General Conditions
SIGMETRICS 2021, Stanford Information Theory Forum 2021, UIUC SINE Seminar 2021.
[slides] [video] [paper] [long slides]
Bounding Mean Slowdown in Multiserver Systems
Near-Optimal Scheduling: Towards a Unified Theory
Ohio State Seminar 2021.
Optimal Multiserver Scheduling with Unknown Job Sizes in Heavy Traffic
MAMA 2020.
[slides] [video] [paper]
Characterizing Policies with Optimal Response Time Tails under Heavy-Tailed Job Sizes
[slides] [video] [paper]
Simple Near-Optimal Scheduling for the M/G/1
SIGMETRICS 2020, MAMA 2019, INFORMS 2019, Stanford ISL Colloquium 2019.
SIGMETRICS 2020 Best Video Award.
[slides] [video] [paper]
Unfair Scheduling Patterns in NUMA Architectures
The Power of SOAP Scheduling
Tutorial at SIGMETRICS 2019.
Optimal Scheduling and Exact Response Time Analysis for Multistage Jobs
INFORMS 2018, YEQT 2018.
[slides] [paper]
SOAP: One Clean Analysis of All Age-Based Scheduling Policies
INFORMS 2018, SIGMETRICS 2018, CMU CS Theory Lunch 2018, TU/e Stochastics Colloquium 2018, UvA SPIP Meeting 2018, IBM Research Seminar 2019, UW CS Theory Seminar 2019, UC Berkeley IEOR Seminar 2019.
[slides] [video] [paper] [short slides]
Open Problem—M/G/1 Scheduling with Preemption Delays
[slides] [paper]
Optimally Scheduling Jobs with Multiple Tasks
INFORMS 2017, YinzOR 2017, INFORMS APS 2017, MAMA 2017.
[slides] [paper]
A Program Optimization for Automatic Database Result Caching
POPL 2017, PLDI 2016 Student Research Competition.
[slides] [paper]