Hi! I'm Ziv (he/him; pronounced "Zeev"), an assistant professor at Cornell ORIE (Operations Research and Information Engineering).

In 2022, I completed my PhD in CMU's Computer Science Department, where I was advised by Mor Harchol-Balter and Guy Blelloch. I then spent a year split between the UC Berkeley Simons Institute (for the D3P program), Harvard SEAS, and MIT CSAIL.

Broadly, I am interested decision-making under uncertainty, which I approach with a stochastic control mindset. I am especially interested in problems related to queueing (scheduling, load balancing, resource allocation) and Markovian/Bayesian bandits (Pandora's box problems, Gittins indices). Much of my PhD thesis is devoted to the overlap of these two areas.

I have the privilege of advising four fabulous PhD students:

Below are videos of talks I've given at the SNAPP and TCS+ virtual seminar series. My talks page has additional videos and slides.

Strongly Tail-Optimal Scheduling in the Light-Tailed M/G/1

Recent Progress in Queueing and Scheduling Theory (for a TCS Audience)